February 13, 2014
Dear Massachusetts Solar Carve-Out Stakeholder:
DOER is pleased to announce that an updated version of the draft RPS Class I Regulation 225 CMR 14.00 was referred to the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy for its up to 30-day review, under the requirements of G.L.C. 25A s12. After its review, the Committee will provide comments on the regulation to DOER.
In preparing the updated draft regulation, DOER considered the many comments on the proposed draft regulation received at the Public Hearings and through the written comment process. We are grateful for this helpful input. The proposed draft regulation provided to the Legislature in this filing is available on our website.
In addition to the announcement regarding the progress of the RPS Class I Rulemaking, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify a particular issue that has been brought to our attention. There appears to be some confusion among certain stakeholders with respect to the ability of SREC I eligible projects to also qualify for SREC II upon the effective date of the new program, thereby allowing them to choose the program under which they will ultimately qualify. DOER has determined that it is not possible for a project to be qualified under the two programs at the same time. Therefore, in order for a non-operational SREC I qualified project to qualify under SREC II, it must first withdraw its Statement of Qualification under SREC I before submitting a Statement of Qualification Application under SREC II.
Dwayne Breger, Ph.D.
Director, Renewable and Alternative Energy Development
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Ph: 617.626.7327 Fax: 617.727.0030
Creating a Cleaner Energy Future for the Commonwealth
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